Als erster unterzeichnete Washington das Dokument, nach ihm traten die Delegierten nach Staaten von Nord nach Süd geordnet zur Unterschrift vor. He wanted to guarantee the right to a jury trial in civil matters, and Mason saw in this a larger opportunity. Quotas of contribution appealed to southern delegates because they would include slave property, but Rufus King of Massachusetts highlighted the impractical side of such a scheme. Der Konvent entwarf die heute noch gültige Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten . [4]:136 Dies blieb eine der letzten noch offenen Fragen in der Debatte des Verfassungskonvents. They wanted to go home, and thought this was nothing more than another delaying tactic. stemming. Madison agreed with Mason. Thomas Jefferson was abroad, serving as the minister to France. Under the New Jersey Plan, as it was called, the Confederation Congress would remain unicameral with each state having one vote. Oberkategorien: Abgeordneter (Vereinigte Staaten) | Mitglied einer Verfassunggebenden Versammlung | Verfassungskonvent der Vereinigten Staaten Unterkategorien: Zu dieser Kategorie existieren keine Unterkategorien! The plan also included a national judiciary.[44]. Von den verbliebenen verweigerten drei ihre Unterschrift: Edmund Randolph (Virginia), George Mason (Virginia) und Elbridge Gerry (Massachusetts). Madisons Idee einer Wahl durch das Repräsentantenhaus fand wenig Unterstützung. [60] Experience had convinced the delegates that such an upper house was necessary to tame the excesses of the democratically elected lower house. beim Präsidenten. When states like Massachusetts or Pennsylvania placed reciprocal duties on British trade, neighboring states such as Connecticut and Delaware established free ports to gain an economic advantage. Von der Bevölkerung gewählte Wahlmänner sollten die Abgeordneten des Oberhauses auf Lebenszeit wählen. [23] New Hampshire delegates would not join the convention until July 23, more than halfway through the proceedings. Membership in the House would be apportioned by population, with members elected from districts of forty thousand people. [6] The Articles were adopted by the Second Continental Congress in 1777 but not finally ratified by all states until 1781. As Stewart describes it, the committee "hijacked" and remade the Constitution, altering critical agreements the Convention delegates had already made, enhancing the powers of the states at the expense of the national government, and adding several far-reaching provisions that the convention had never discussed. [87] William Paterson and other delegates from New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland and New York created an alternative plan that consisted of several amendments to the Articles of Confederation. Die Frage, wie die neue Verfassung mit der Sklaverei umgehen sollte, war im Konvent so stark umstritten, dass mehrere Südstaaten der Union nicht beigetreten wären, wäre die Sklaverei abgeschafft worden. George Mason demanded a Bill of Rights if he was to support the Constitution. [140] Finally, delegate James Wilson proposed the Three-Fifths Compromise. Ursprünglich hatte der Auftrag an den Konvent gelautet, das in den Articles of Confederation festgeschriebene Regierungssystem der dreizehn Gründerstaaten zu reformieren. Dieses erarbeitete einen Kompromissvorschlag: Der Kongress sollte die Autorität erhalten, den Sklavenhandel zu verbieten, aber erst nach weiteren 20 Jahren – also im Jahr 1808. - Poster werden aufgerollt, in Hartkunststoffrohr für besten Schutz geliefert. [8], Der Konvent konnte nicht wie geplant am 14. The Virginia Plan was selected as the basis for the new government. He believed that the moderate level of class conflict in American society produced a level of sociability and inter-class friendships that could make the presidency the symbolic leader of the entire American people. Er wurde auch als „Britischer Plan“ bezeichnet, da er dem politischen System Britanniens mit seiner starken Zentralregierung nahe kam. Als Rhode Island Steuern auf den Durchgangsverkehr über die Boston Post Road erhob, schlug James Madison vor, dass die Regierungen der Einzelstaaten Bevollmächtigte für den Binnenhandel ernennen sollten, welche ein einheitliches Handelswesen prüfen sollten. [17]:229–30 Am Mittwoch, dem 12. Der Konvent hatte dann drei Tage Zeit, die gedruckte Fassung mit den Sitzungsprotokollen des Konvents abzugleichen. [17]:207 Man bearbeitete Fragen der Besteuerung, Kriegsführung, Patente und Urheberrecht, sowie die Beziehungen zur eingeborenen Bevölkerung. Delegates from non-slave states objected to counting slaves as they could not vote. State delegates did not return to Independence Hall in Philadelphia until the United States Constitutional Convention in 1787; however, New York City remained the official capital even during the convention . [144][143] Only two delegates, Roger Sherman and Robert Morris, would sign all three of the nation's founding documents: the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution. Die meisten Abgeordneten waren Großgrundbesitzer, die meisten von ihnen, mit Ausnahme von Roger Sherman und William Few, waren sehr wohlhabend. Kurz vor der Verabschiedung des Verfassungsentwurfs erreichte Gorham – maßgeblich unterstützt von George Washington – noch, dass die Bevölkerungszahl in den Distrikten zur Kongresswahl von 40.000 auf 30.000 herabgesetzt wurde. [34] Congress needed compulsory taxation authority as well as power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce. The problem had resulted from the understanding that the president would be chosen by Congress; the decision to have the president be chosen instead by an electoral college reduced the chance of the president becoming beholden to Congress, so a shorter term with eligibility for re-election became a viable option. On Wednesday, September 12, the report of the "committee of style" was ordered printed for the convenience of the delegates. September 1786 trafen sich zwölf Delegierte aus fünf US-Staaten in Annapolis (Maryland) zur Annapolis Convention, um Verbesserungen der Konföderationsartikel zu diskutieren. [18], Während des Konvents wurden mehrere Verfassungsentwürfe diskutiert. Many of the states' older and more experienced leaders may have simply been too busy with the local affairs of their states to attend the convention,[144] which had originally been planned to strengthen the existing Articles of Confederation, not to write a constitution for a completely new national government. In exchange for this concession, the federal government's power to regulate foreign commerce would be strengthened by provisions that allowed for taxation of slave trades in the international market and that reduced the requirement for passage of navigation acts from two-thirds majorities of both houses of Congress to simple majorities.[139]. [127][124]:170–71 Rutledge, however, was not able to convince all the members of the committee to accept the change. Juli, kurz bevor der Großteil des im Konvent Erarbeiteten dem Comittee of Detail übergeben werden sollte, beantragten Morris und King, dass die Repräsentanten der Einzelstaaten im Senat individuelles Stimmrecht erhalten sollten und nicht wie im Konföderationskongress en bloc abstimmen mussten. A second attempt was made to approve a federal impost in 1785; however, this time it was New York which disapproved. Congress would elect a plural "federal executive" whose members would serve a single term and could be removed by Congress at the request of a majority of state governors. [4]:64 Einig war man sich auch darin, dass der neuen Regierung über die bisherigen Vollmachten des Konföderationskongresses weitere zusätzliche Rechte gegenüber den Einzelstaaten zugestanden werden sollten. This resolution apportioned seats in the House of Representatives based on a state's free population plus three-fifths of its slave population. Diese sollte eine Zweikammer-Legislative mit einem Senat und einem Repräsentantenhaus besitzen. With the support of the slave states and Connecticut, the large states defeated the plan by a 7–3 margin. They ought to be so constituted as to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority. Alexander Hamilton. He argued that there should be a single, unitary executive. Some scholars have suggested that Hamilton presented this radical plan to help secure passage of the Virginia Plan by making it seem moderate by comparison. [123], Mason argued that only the people acting through specially called state conventions could authorize a new government. ILO DECLARATION OF PHILADELPHIA Declaration concerning the aims and purposes of the International Labour Organisation The General Conference of the International Labour Organization, - Sie können Plakat / Leinwand drucken nur oder gerahmt Poster. Under the Articles of Confederation, the closest thing to an executive was the Committee of the States, which was empowered to transact government business while Congress was in recess. Importantly, they modified the language that required spending bills to originate in the House of Representatives and be flatly accepted or rejected, unmodified, by the Senate. [3]:162–64, Im Konvent durfte jeder Staat eine Stimme für oder gegen einen Vorschlag abgeben, je nach der Stimmenmehrheit unter den Delegierten des Einzelstaates. Exekutive und Teile der Judikative sollten ein Vetorecht innehaben, das aber überstimmt werden konnte. States responded by issuing paper currency, which often depreciated in value, and by making it easier to defer tax and debt payments. Nothing but a permanent body can check the imprudence of democracy. Jahrhunderts war diese in den Staaten noch weit verbreitet. [24], Among the first things that the Convention did were to choose a presiding officer, unanimously electing George Washington to be the president of the convention and to select James McHenry to be the convention's secretary. Throughout the convention, delegates would regularly come and go. [110]The final document was thus a mixture of Madison's original "national" constitution and the desired "federal" Constitution that many of the delegates sought. [80] This view was unpopular. [138]:132 However, more than 90% of the slaves[138]:132 lived in the South, where approximately 1 in 3 families owned slaves (in the largest and wealthiest state, Virginia, that figure was nearly 1 in 2 families). [149] John Adams was in Britain, serving as minister to that country, but he wrote home to encourage the delegates. Each state would have an equal vote in the Senate. United States Department of Labor and Commerce Bureau of the Census: Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, Wikiquote: Verfassungskonvent der Vereinigten Staaten, Constitutional Topic: The Constitutional Convention (englisch), Founders' Blog: Madisons Notizen aus dem Konvent (englisch), – The Constitutional Convention (englisch), Constitution Convention Broadside Collection, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Bericht der Annapolis Convention auf der Netzseite der Yale Law School,, Constitutional Topic: The Constitutional Convention, The Plan of Charles Pinckney (South Carolina), Presented to the Federal Convention, May 29, 1787, The Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 reported by James Madison: May 29, Doubting a little of one's infallibility: The real miracle at Philadelphia – National Constitution Center, Letter of Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, August 30, 1787,, Verfassungskonvent der Vereinigten Staaten, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Therefore, as George Washington stated, the document was executed by "eleven states, and Colonel Hamilton. [33] To prevent state interference with the federal government's authority, Madison believed there needed to be a way to enforce the federal supremacy, such as an explicit right of Congress to use force against non-compliant states and the creation of a federal court system. [The Articles of the Confederation] were therefore the proper basis of all the proceedings of the Convention. [121], The delegates recognized that a major flaw with the Articles of Confederation was that any constitutional amendment required unanimous approval of the states. Juni im Konvent eingebracht. [24] Schließlich wurde der Kompromissvorschlag James Wilsons, die Drei-Fünftel-Klausel (Three-Fifths Compromise) angenommen: Jeweils drei von fünf Sklaven sollten in den Bundesstaaten als Personen mitgezählt werden. I would suggest ordering tickets ahead of time otherwise you might have to wait in line to purchase them. [34] In April 1787, he drafted a document entitled "Vices of the Political System of the United States", which systematically evaluated the American political system and offered solutions for its weaknesses. [103], On July 10, Edmund Randolph called for a regular census on which to base future reallocation of House seats. Bathrooms were clean, which is … On May 30, the Convention agreed, at the request of Gouverneur Morris, "that a national government ought to be established consisting of a supreme Legislative, Executive and Judiciary". During the American Revolution, the thirteen American states replaced their colonial governments with republican constitutions based on the principle of separation of powers, organizing government into legislative, executive and judicial branches. Nachdem im Revolutionskrieg (1775–1783) die Unabhängigkeit gesichert worden war, entwickelten sich die Interessen der einzelnen Staaten in unterschiedliche Richtungen, Streitigkeiten kamen auf: Maryland und Virginia stritten um ihre Grenze am Potomac River. Auch John Hancock und Samuel Adams nahmen nicht teil. As the convention was drawing to a conclusion, and delegates prepared to refer the Constitution to the Committee on Style to pen the final version, one delegate raised an objection over civil trials. Darüber hinaus wurden die Regelungen der Fugitive Slave Clause verschärft, die vorschrieb, dass geflohene Sklaven ihren „Eigentümern“ auf deren Verlangen wieder auszuliefern seien. ): Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 5. Wilson had proposed that people vote for electors who would then select the president. Sie sollten so aufgestellt sein, dass die Interessen der wohlhabenden Minderheit vor der Mehrheit geschützt sind. Later in life, Madison explained that this was a result of the Great Compromise. Gouverneur Morris wird als Autor bedeutender Abschnitte des endgültigen Verfassungsentwurfs angesehen, vor allem der Präambel. "[128][124]:171–72 Another revision of Wilson's draft also placed eight specific limits on the states, such as barring them from independently entering into treaties and from printing their own money, providing a certain degree of balance to the limits on the national government intended by Rutledge's list of enumerated powers. Half of the Convention wanted the Senate to choose judges, while the other half wanted the president to do it. Congress would be allowed to levy tariffs and other taxes as well as regulate trade and commerce. [4]:134, Madisons Vorschlag, dass die Exekutive von der Legislative gewählt werden sollte, fand keine Mehrheit. Stattdessen einigte man sich darauf, dass der Exekutivgewalt alleine ein Vetorecht zukommen solle. Convention de Philadelphie(1787) Assemblée constitutionnelle, présidée par G. Washington, d'où sortit la Constitution fédérant les 13 États d'Amérique du Nord qui avaient proclamé leur indépendance en 1776. Gemäß ihrem eigenen Artikel VII wurde der Verfassungsentwurf anschließend den Bundesstaaten zur Ratifizierung zugeleitet. The division of the legislature into an upper and lower house was familiar and had wide support. Mai 1787 stellte der Gouverneur von Virginia, Edmund Randolph, den Entwurf vor, der eine sehr mächtige Zweikammer-Legislative vorsah. [6] Ein weiterer Anlass zu Reformforderungen war Shays' Rebellion in Massachusetts, ein von 1786 bis 1787 andauernder, gewaltsam ausgetragener Konflikt um Steuerschulden. [17]:172, Eine Anzahl grundlegender Änderungen, die das Committee of Detail erstellt hatte, waren deutlich umstrittener. Da der Konföderationskongress selbst keine Steuern erheben durfte und keine Möglichkeit besaß, Zahlungsansprüche gegenüber den Staaten einzufordern, war sein politischer Handlungsspielraum schmal. The Constitutional Convention (contemporarily known as the Federal Convention, the Philadelphia Convention, or the Grand Convention at Philadelphia) took place from May 25 to September 17, 1787, in the old Pennsylvania State House (now known as Independence Hall) in Philadelphia. Most of the time during the convention was spent on deciding these issues. This rebellion was led by a former Revolutionary War captain, Daniel Shays, a small farmer with tax debts, who had never received payment for his service in the Continental Army. The delegates disagreed on how federal judges should be chosen. The Senate, therefore, ought to be this body; and to answer these purposes, they ought to have permanency and stability. Dem widersprachen die Delegierten der kleineren Staaten, die sich in der Wahl nicht ausreichend vertreten sahen. Kann eine [direkte] demokratische Versammlung der Volksmassen in jährlichem Wechsel stetig das Gemeinwohl im Blick haben? The most pressing example was the way state legislatures responded to calls for economic relief in the 1780s. [23]:132 Die Mehrheit (mehr als 90 %),[23]:132 lebte in den Südstaaten, wo etwa eine von drei Familien Sklaven besaßen. Die Philadelphia Convention (auch: Constitutional Convention) (25.Mai bis 17. This formula would apply to the existing states as well as any states created in the future. Juni 1787 stellte Hamilton seinen eigenen Entwurf vor. [26][27], The rules allowed delegates to demand reconsideration of any decision previously voted on. The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. Dagegen sollten die von der Exekutive ernannten Mitglieder der Judikative eine lebenslange Amtszeit innehaben. [124]:172, These changes set the final balance between the national and state governments that would be entered into the final document, as the Convention never challenged this dual-sovereignty between nation and state that had been fashioned by Rutledge and Wilson. Einzige Aufgabe der Exekutive sollte sein, die Vorgaben der Legislative auszuführen und sollte deshalb auch von der Legislative ernannt werden. On July 21, Madison offered an alternative compromise—the president would appoint judges but the Senate could veto an appointment by a two-thirds majority. [19] Aus diesem Grund wird Madison auch der „Vater der Verfassung“ genannt. [4]:64, Madisons Plan nahm einige Voraussetzungen als gegeben an, die auch während des Konvents nicht mehr in Frage gestellt wurden: Hierzu zählen die Gewaltenteilung und die Teilung des Kongresses in zwei Kammern. [85], On June 13, the revised report on the Virginia Plan was issued. [3]:83, James Madison nutzte die Wartezeit, bis der Konvent beschlussfähig war, um einen Verfassungsentwurf auszuarbeiten. [35] Due to his advance preparation, Madison's blueprint for constitutional revision became the starting point for the convention's deliberations. As the convention was entering its second full month of deliberations, it was decided that further consideration of the prickly question of how to apportion representatives in the national legislature should be referred to a committee composed of one delegate from each of the eleven states present at that time at the convention. At the time the document was signed, Franklin gave a persuasive speech involving an anecdote on a sun that was painted on the back of Washington's Chippendale chair. The Confederation Congress later endorsed this convention "for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation". Once the small states were assured they would be represented in the new government, they "exceeded all others in zeal" for a strong national government. Im Gegenzug würde die Macht der Regierung dadurch gestärkt, dass sie den Sklavenhandel auf dem internationalen Markt besteuern durfte. [23] It was not until May 25 that a quorum of seven states was secured and the convention could begin inside the Pennsylvania State House. [17] Demnach hatte sich Randolph zwei Ziele gesetzt: Die Verfassung sollte nur die wichtigsten Grundsätze umfassen, nicht kleine Details, die sich im Lauf der Zeit ohnehin ändern würden. Eine bedeutsame Abänderung des Grand-Committee-Entwurfs fand noch in der Schlussdebatte Eingang in den endgültigen Text des Verfassungsentwurfs. Cette Constitution entra en vigueur en 1789 Convention à Philadelphie. If these observations be just, our government ought to secure the permanent interests of the country against innovation. Das Unterhaus sollte von der Bevölkerung direkt gewählt werden, das Oberhaus wiederum vom Unterhaus. Another contentious slavery-related question was whether slaves would be counted as part of the population in determining representation of the states in the Congress, or would instead be considered property and as such not be considered for purposes of representation. [135][136], The Constitution was then submitted to the states for ratification, pursuant to its own Article VII.[137]. Bei der Verabschiedung hatten schon dreizehn Delegierte die Versammlung verlassen. [T]hey denoted also the sentiments of the States on the subject of our deliberation. Even after it issued this report, the committee continued to meet off and on until early September. This veto could be overridden by an unspecified number of votes in both houses of Congress. The biggest issue they addressed was the presidency, and the final compromise was written by Madison with the committee's input. The legislature would elect a chief executive called a president. Most of the delegates were landowners with substantial holdings, and most, except for Roger Sherman and William Few, were very comfortably wealthy. [72] The executive together with a "convenient number" of federal judges would form a Council of Revision with the power to veto any act of Congress. [107], In a close vote on July 16, the convention adopted the Connecticut Compromise (also known as the Great Compromise) as recommended by the Grand Committee. [71], James Wilson feared that the Virginia Plan made the executive too dependent on Congress. Our hotels, attractions, restaurants, shops and communities are preparing for your visit by introducing new clean and safe measures. The prospect that George Washington would be the first president may have allowed the proponents of a unitary executive to accumulate a large coalition. Dies balanciert die Einschränkungen der Unionsregierung gegenüber den Einzelstaaten aus. Auch als das Thema im August erneut diskutiuert wurde, konnte sich der Konvent nicht auf eine Regelung einigen und übertrug die Diskussion an ein eigenes Komitee mit elf Mitgliedern. Europarl8. Juli bis 6. [99], While the Convention took a three-day recess in observance of the Fourth of July holiday, the Grand Committee began its work. [124]:25 Several had been state governors. "[105], After fierce debate, the delegates voted to apportion representation and direct taxation based on all white inhabitants and three-fifths of the slave population. [124]:243, Gouverneur Morris is credited, both now and then, as the chief draftsman of the final document, including the stirring preamble. Die Abgeordneten kehrten bis zur Philadelphia Convention 1787 nicht nach Philadelphia zurück; New York City blieb die offizielle Hauptstadt, auch während der Philadelphia Convention. [4]:67 Die englische Rechtstradition trennt im Regierungssystem die Gesetzgebung von der Ausübung des Rechts durch den König und seinen Hof. Several prominent Founders are notable for not participating in the Constitutional Convention. Madison also believed the method of representation in Congress had to change. Delegates used two streams of intellectual tradition,[clarification needed] and any one delegate could be found using both or a mixture depending on the subject under discussion: foreign affairs, the economy, national government, or federal relationships among the states. Juli war der Senat immer noch dem Kontinentalkongress sehr ähnlich. Since under Madison's plan, Congress would exercise authority over citizens directly—not simply through the states—representation ought to be apportioned by population, with more populous states having more votes in Congress. en The Americans did it in 1787 on the occasion of the Philadelphia Convention. Bücher bei Jetzt All the Republican National Conventions from Philadelphia von Henry Harrison Smith versandkostenfrei bestellen bei, Ihrem Bücher-Spezialisten! Madison sah das Richteramt nicht als völlig unabhängig an, sondern wollte die Richter von der Legislative ernennen lassen; andere sahen dieses Recht bei der Exekutive bzw. Over the course of a series of drafts, a catchall provision (the "Necessary and Proper Clause") was eventually added, most likely by Wilson, a nationalist little concerned with the sovereignty of individual states, giving the Congress the broad power "to make all Laws that shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. Außerdem sollten Navigationsgesetze jetzt mit einfacher, statt mit Zweidrittelmehrheit in beiden Kammern des Kongresses verabschiedet werden. [106], On July 14, John Rutledge and James Wilson attempted to secure proportional representation in the Senate. The Convention adopted it without further debate. [38], While waiting for the convention to formally begin, Madison sketched out his initial proposal, which became known as the Virginia Plan and reflected his views as a strong nationalist. Hello Select your address Prime Day Deals Best Sellers New Releases Books Electronics Customer Service Gift Ideas Home Computers Gift Cards Sell James Wilson wanted the president to appoint judges to increase the power of that office. [124]:212 One controversial issue throughout much of the convention had been the length of the president's term, and whether the president was to be term limited. Madison's proposal failed to garner support, and the delegates ended by reaffirming that the Senate would appoint judges. [33] Before the convention, Madison studied republics and confederacies throughout history, such as ancient Greece and contemporary Switzerland. One important change that did make it into the final version included the agreement between northern and southern delegates to empower Congress to end the slave trade starting in 1808. Es ist gesagt worden, die Stimme des Volks sei die Stimme Gottes; und egal wie breit diese Maxime allgemein zitiert und geglaubt wird, ist sie tatsächlich doch falsch. They will check the unsteadiness of the second, and as they cannot receive any advantage by a change, they therefore will ever maintain good government. Eine letzte Änderung wurde von Rufus King eingeführt: Dieser wollte verhindern, dass die Bundesstaaten bei Verträgen der Bundesregierung intervenieren konnten. Das Volk ist unruhig und wechselhaft; selten urteilen oder bestimmen sie richtig. [21], Der Connecticut-Kompromiss, für dessen Zustandekommen maßgeblich Roger Sherman aus Connecticut verantwortlich war, wurde am 11. A few delegates such as Roger Sherman, Elbridge Gerry, and Pierce Butler opposed the direct election of the executive because they considered the people too easily manipulated. In the meantime, you can enjoy Philadelphia from your home! Patrick Henry refused to participate because he "smelt a rat in Philadelphia, tending toward the monarchy." Give therefore to the first class a distinct, permanent share in the government. Entscheidende Übereinkünfte, die der Konvent schon getroffen hatte, wurden wieder verändert, so dass im Ergebnis die Macht der Bundesstaaten auf Kosten der Union gestärkt und mehrere Regelungen mit weitreichenden Konsequenzen getroffen wurden, die der Konvent nie diskutiert hatte. [79], Wilson also argued that the executive should be directly elected by the people. [79], The Virginia Plan made no provision for removing the executive. . Landholders ought to have a share in the government, to support these invaluable interests, and to balance and check the other. The Convention adjourned from July 26 to August 6 to await the report of the Committee of Detail, which was to produce a first draft of the Constitution. Initialement prévue pour traiter des problèmes aux États-Unis à la suite de lindépendance vis-à-vis de la Grande-Bretagne déclarée le 4 juillet 1776 en amendant les Articles de la Confédération, elle résulta en la rédaction et l'adoption de la Constitution des États-Unis toujours en vigueur aujourd'hui. Dieser gastfreundliche Stadtteil hat sich mit der Chinatown und Restaurants einen Namen gemacht. Pennsylvania Convention Center befindet sich in Chinatown. [24] Demgegenüber forderten Staaten mit geringem unfreiem Bevölkerungsanteil, Sklaven zwar bei der Besteuerung, aber nicht bei als im Parlament zu repräsentierende Personen mitzuzählen. The most contentious disputes revolved around the composition and election of the Senate as the upper legislative house of a bicameral Congress; whether "proportional representation" was to be defined by a state's geography or by its population, and whether slaves were to be counted; whether to divide the executive power among three people or vest the power in a single chief executive to be called the President; how a president would be elected, for what term, and whether to limit each president to a single term; what offenses should be impeachable; the nature of a fugitive slave clause, and whether to allow the abolition of the slave trade; and whether judges should be chosen by the legislature or the executive.